
There are chocolate and flowers pop out and full of street. OH! That's another day for lovers!? People hug to across the street or share one corn of ice cream... all for granted! and how about single people? Does there anyone wonders "why there is no holiday for singles"?

To be one single woman. I serious asking government (or business guys) to made one holiday up, 100% for singles! Ha that must be a huge business!  Why no one did this? Do they think single is pathetic, no one would like
 to have a holiday for pathetic life. or maybe sinlge is a no-worthy-to-happy thing. Since it is not worthy for celebrating, then why made a day for it?

ture in most situation, single is a very embrassing check to check. but if you have to check it, just be happy to enjoy it!! ha I bet that if you are single you must know these sentence well. Everyone said that "single is not a bad thing, let's enjoy it." or "you never know how you lucky now, you just be yourself, so free to have your life."
I don't wnat to hear that. It's LIFE! the last wrod on the earth need to be explained. 

No matter I am single or in relationship, I just wanna say, holiday shouldn't get any idea of betrayal.  and I really feel betraied by this holiday, we called Valentine's day. or make it clear .........LOVER'S DAY.


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