嗡 修利修利 摩訶修利 修修利 娑婆訶
- Sep 18 Mon 2006 02:05
- Jul 31 Mon 2006 23:54
single for holiday
There are chocolate and flowers pop out and full of street. OH! That's another day for lovers!? People hug to across the street or share one corn of ice cream... all for granted! and how about single people? Does there anyone wonders "why there is no holiday for singles"?
- Jul 05 Wed 2006 01:56
《這世界上的每個人 耳朵都長出了一條會唱歌的藤蔓》。對於這麼一個令人訝異的現象,大家竟然都沒有顯現出一絲的驚慌!!媒體也沒有像炒作許純美那樣的大幅報導!!
- Jun 19 Mon 2006 00:21
奇怪的這個世代,也可能只是我這麼奇怪!很難過卻說不出來,只會在背地裡摔東西;很不爽卻罵不出口,恨不得自己是MC HOT DOG!就是這麼奇怪,明明情緒滿滿的積在心理、腦裡、胸裡、眼睛裡......通通都是壞心情,就是丟不出去,我想這真的是一種文明病。